Sunday 8 May 2016

The Italian organisation Cantiere Giovani hosts the second meeting of the SIVIM project in Frattamaggiore

Between 30th April and 5th May, took place the second meeting of the SIVIM project (Social Inclusion through Virtual International Mobility), held in Frattamaggiore (Italy) during which the three partner organisations continued their work on reducing the inequalities faced by young people who cannot access learning mobility opportunities.

The Coordinating Organisation (Alcalá de Guadaíra City Council) and its partners (Kulturatka and Cantiere Giovani) have been developing innovative educational materials, in the form of a Toolkit for Virtual Mobility in non-formal education. Thanks to virtual activities, this Toolkit will give to young people who cannot travel, the opportunity to develop similar competences to the ones gained by those taking part in transnational learning mobility activities.

During the meeting in Frattamaggiore, the project partners have relied on the feedback received after the workshops organised in Italy, Poland and Spain to decide on the final necessary improvements of the toolkit. The next step will be to implement the improvements during the upcoming months before the publication of the toolkit on the website of the project. It will then be freely available online for anyone who wishes to use it as Open Educational Resource.

This project, co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, will be a stepping stone towards reducing the inequalities by giving virtual learning mobility opportunities to young people who cannot access transnational mobility opportunities.